Sunday, March 24, 2013

Watercolor Eggs

I couldn't wait to do an Easter Singing Time lesson until Easter!
So we did the cool watercolor/white crayon trick that I've seen on Pinterest.
It was fun!

I started out showing them some beautiful artwork from the Gospel Art Book.
We talked about how there aren't cartoons on the walls of our church buildings -- there are beautiful paintings to help us feel the Spirit.
And that art can be a wonderful way we get to know our Savior better.

I had our watercolor set, a brush, and a cup with a little water.

I had six large construction-paper-sized eggs (one set for Junior and one set for Senior). I'd written in white crayon a phrase from a song (see below). They had to paint over it to reveal what I'd written.
With the Junior kids, I called them up one at a time to paint, but it took longer than I'd hoped so we ended up starting each song before they'd finished revealing.

So for the Senior kids, I did the painting so they could all see it and it went faster. I'd recommend this. 

Phrase on the egg and the corresponding song:
He is always near me / If the Savior Stood Beside Me
Joy fills our hearts / Jesus Has Risen
Raise your joys and triumphs high / Christ the Lord Has Risen Today
I thank Him reverently / My Heavenly Father Loves Me
He wakened and he left the tomb / Did Jesus Really Live Again?
Rise with living breath / He Sent His Son

It was a fun singing time and the kids loved to see the words revealed. The older kids already knew how it was done, but the Junior kids didn't and were excited to hear the trick!

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